“Judges in the cases of Family Law hold Home-Start in the highest regard, as the experts when it comes to all matters to do with families.”

Six Home-Start family support charities offer volunteer led support across Birmingham to parents and their children dealing with difficult life circumstances. Working together to reach out to even more local families, they form the consortium charity, Home-Start Birmingham. To find the Home-Start closest to you, please visit the About Us page
Mohammed’s story
Told through the eyes of dad, Mohammed, this short film highlights the difference that Home-Start in Birmingham’s family group has made to his, his wife and his children’s lives as they leave their homeland of Sudan and make a new life for themselves in Birmingham.
Get involved, gift your time or gift a donation and by doing so, you’ll help change local families’ lives
If you want to find out just how impactful a Home-Start volunteer can be on parents and their children, please look at our short film- When the Crisis Came, a conversation recorded between Molly and her Home-Start volunteer, Sybille, just after Lockdown had finished.
When the crisis came
To read more, view our When the Crisis Came page