“I’m so excited to be on the course. Home-start supported me when my 3 year old was diagnosed with Autism. My volunteer helped me so much. I would like to give back to others who need help. I have a lot of experiences and hope to learn more.”

Many families reach out to Home-Start because they need either practical or emotional support, often it’s a mixture of both.
25% of families refer themselves to Home-Start, we often hear from our families that Home-Start is the most crucial support service involved with their children.
Read some of our family stories here
We support many types of families:
- Lone parents
- Married or unmarried couples
- Grandparents caring for grandchildren
- Step parents
- Adoptive parents
- Families where a parent is in the armed forces
- Families where a parent is in prison
- Families where social care or other agencies are involved
- In any location, or for any gender, ethnicity or asylum/immigration status
To see how Home-Start reaches out to families living in many different communities, watch our film-‘A Journey Together’