”You’ve been really helpful. I don’t know what I would have done without you”

Home-Start Birmingham is a family support provider as part of Birmingham City Council’s Early Years’ service – Forward Steps
Birmingham forward steps – the best start for our children
Promoting good child development is at the heart of this model:
Parents will first come into contact with Birmingham’s ‘Forward Steps’ with antenatal (pre-birth) support which then progresses through Early Years onto pre-school and continues until their child has started school.
Identifying a child’s needs early is key to giving them the best start in life and ensuring parents receive the support they need.
Parents will have contact with their Health Visiting Team at five key points during their child’s pre-school years either at home or in a clinic which will be pre-arranged with the parents.
A range of locations in the family’s district will offer support to help with children’s health and wellbeing. There’s a wide range of support available, including well-baby clinics, stay and play sessions and much more.
Targeted services
Available for some families where more support is required.
These will be delivered in groups and one-to-one sessions in the home based on need, to include the following:
Stay and play with professional advice and support Breastfeeding
Parenting advice, including parenting courses
Maternal mental health
1:1 family support, including support provided by Home-Start volunteers
Attachment and emotional development
Speech and language support
Freedom Programme (domestic violence and abuse)
Healthy lifestyle support for children and parents
Support for children with additional needs and their families (including peer support groups for parents)
Birmingham Forward Steps partnership is made up of five strategic partners:
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
St Paul’s Community Development Trust
The Springfield Project
To find out more about Birmingham forward steps please visit – https://bhamforwardsteps.co.uk/